Welcome to Home Video Studio's HomeMovieTransfer.com!

I've loved home movies my whole life. Among my fondest memories growing up in Indiana are the times we dimmed the lights, made some popcorn, started the movie projector, and relived our family adventures on film. That was the beginning of my love of movies and that's why I've been in this business for over thirty years.
Technology has changed, but our memories of weddings, birthdays, graduations, vacations, holidays and more have not. It's the wheel of life - these precious almost sacred images. We take these images and memories very seriously. Our customers - hundreds of thousands of them from all fifty states - appreciate this and trust us.

Our roots are deep. Our knowledge of this industry is vast. Our vigilance in adapting to changes in home movie transfer technology keeps us on the cutting edge. But one thing always remains constant: our love of home movies and our dedication to treat them like our very own.
There is still magic in dimming the lights, making popcorn, and reliving those adventures. As long as there are precious family memories to transfer, preserve and protect, we will be up to the task. We welcome you and your memories.
Robert Hanley
President, HomeMovieTransfer.com